The travelling exhibition launched at the New York Fashion Week is an unusual meeting point
between art and fashion photography
Fashion photography and fine art photography have long gone hand in hand with the boundaries between them often blurred. It is a worldwide phenomenon that a growing number of photographers work across the adjacent fields of fine art photography and applied photography, and the Hungarian photography scene is no exception. PHOTO COUTURE is a traveling exhibition examining the interconnection between these two areas. It is symbolically significant that the program debuted at the New York Fashion Week in the fashion capital of the world, before moving on to other destinations, already in its first year presented at the Brussels Design September festival and at the international photography fair Art Photo Budapest 2023.

Participating artists: Dávid Ajkai, Alianna Albert, Bálint Barna, Vivienne Bolla, Panna Donka, Andrea Gáldi Vinkó, István Lábady, Wanda Martin, Zoltán Tombor, Marietta Varga. PHOTO COUTURE was realized by EDGE Communications with the professional contribution of the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency and Art Photo Budapest, curated by Krisztina Löbl and Lilla Makláry.